How To Write Product Descriptions That Will Make Your Online Store Convert Like Crazy!

 When you are creating your webpage and establishing an online presence there can be so much to consider that some of the details can easily be overlooked. When you are looking at pictures, keywords, tags and so much more, the product descriptions themselves can seem less important, but this is simply not true.

The right product description can help put your product in front of your ideal customers, and give them exactly what they want in turn. Here we will show you how to make the most out of your product descriptions and watch the sales roll in…

How To Write Product Descriptions That Will Make Your Online Store Convert Like Crazy!

What are product descriptions?

Firstly, we should take a look at what exactly we mean by product descriptions. Product descriptions, as it sounds, tell you about what the product is. They can also offer information on why you might want to buy it. They often include:

       The name of the product


       The physical details

       The features

       The colour and style

       Materials used

       Weights and dimensions


       Where and how it is made

       The delivery details

       Why it should appeal to a buyer


The length of your product description will vary depending on the type of product. It should always focus on your buyer and lead customers into a conversion funnel that will result in increased sales. Your marketing agency in Dubai can help craft unique and tailored product descriptions, and there are plenty of ways you can improve on what you have in place already.

There are a number of steps you should take to make sure your product descriptions are truly working for you, and we will take a look at the key methods here…

1. Focus on your ideal customer

The point of your product description is to make a sale and to make a sale to the ideal buyer. You should try and answer questions they may have like: “What problem of mine does this product solve?” And: “Why is it better than the competition?” If you can do that, your potential buyer is far more likely to take positive action. 

2. Be specific – don’t just say you’re simply the best!

Don’t just use trite and clichéd phrases to show that your product is ‘unbeatable’ or ‘the best’ – your customers have heard it all before. Just saying that you are selling a ‘fantastic’ product isn’t going to fool anyone. They want to know exactly what it is about your product that sets it apart, and how this will benefit them.

3. Use stories to describe your product and its uses

Instead of listing off the best attributes of your product, try telling a story that can help your buyer to picture what you are talking about. In the world of digital marketing it is important to stick to your strategy and get your keywords wherever you can, but they are better included in sentences when selling to people.

4. Back up your statements with proof

Before you head out to a restaurant or buy a product, it is highly likely that you check what customers have to say about it beforehand. So why not include reviews and recommendations in your product description? Showing that other people have used and enjoyed your product can really entice new customers to click ‘purchase’ with confidence.

Final thoughts

The real key to creating an impactful and successful product description is to think about the kind of buyer you are looking for and tailor it to them. Helping them to picture the product in use, using helpful and descriptive words rather than superlatives, and utilising customer reviews can all help gain those all-important conversions.

How To Write Product Descriptions That Will Make Your Online Store Convert Like Crazy! How To Write Product Descriptions That Will Make Your Online Store Convert Like Crazy! Reviewed by Pravesh Kumar Maurya on 04:41 Rating: 5

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