Installing solar panels can reduce
the carbon footprint of the household with the equivalent of 88 trees planted
each year. If you are interested in this innovative technology, we will detail all
about it in this, so that at the time you will have to take a decision you have
all the information.
Solar panels are made of 2-layer
solar cells, joined by a sandwich-like semiconductor element. Silicon cells
make it easier to detach the electron of the atom so that it moves freely. When
the light hits an atom, it is absorbed by one of the electrons around the particle, stimulating the energy of the particle.
Judging by their use, you can choose
between photovoltaic panels and thermal ones. From
a construction standpoint, they are
divided into monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous for
photovoltaic ones or vacuum tubes for thermal
ones. You can find more information on this link.
The photovoltaic panels:-
The photovoltaic panels convert solar
radiation into electricity, into a photovoltaic system with batteries or
connected to the grid. Its photovoltaic cells capture energy as a light
detector and turn it into power through a two-layer
silver film mounted around a semiconductor layer.
1. Monocrystalline photovoltaic
panels are the most quality products, but also the most expensive ones.
Technology has evolved from 6% yield from 1950 to 20% today, depending on the
size of the solar panel.
2. The most widespread photovoltaic
panels are the polycrystalline panels, for a price 10% lower but also with a
maximum efficiency of 16%.
3. Amorphous photovoltaic panels
remain the least efficient in intense light conditions (5-7% yield) but
compensate if they are located in low light conditions when they are the best
performing. Another benefit is that they can be
mounted on curved or flexible supports. It's usually the choice of
carriers to be on boats.
Thermal solar panels:-
Leonardo Da Vinci has been using
solar energy for domestic purposes since the fifteenth century when he used a
convex mirror to direct the light to heat the water. The solar thermal panels
today are built for the same purpose, extended to the warming of the home or
pool, in a slightly more developed system than the
one of the Renaissance thinker.
The solar photovoltaic system is composed of the inverter, controller, and the
battery for solar energy storage. Depending on the manufacturer, solar batteries have warranties between one and two years. However, the most important thing
about solar cells is not the guarantee
(although it matters), but their life cycle.
Due to forced bite withdrawal cycles, their life may last only 2-3 years. You
can find below battery tips for your
solar systems.
Purchase solar batteries:-
To ensure the storage quality of your
solar energy power system, you need to purchase solar batteries first. They have a lifetime depending on a discharge
cycle. Solar cells have the advantage of
slow discharge, and the number of
discharge cycles at C10 (i.e., a constant 10-hour discharge) should be followed.
Example: A solar battery will
withstand some 1000 discharge cycles at a
maximum discharge of 10%. This means that
the solar cell will "live" for
1000 days (about three years) if 10% of
its capacity is discharged every day. If
a 100 Ah / 12V battery discharges only 10 Ah per day, the lifetime will be three years. In the event of a higher discharge
(20%), lifetime is dramatically shortened
to one, maximum two years.
Properly dimension the solar cells:-
Another important thing is the
correct sizing of the cells. Due to the fact that cells are an essential factor
in the final price of the installation,
most vendors undersize the battery bank. However, the lower price thus obtained
will result in a lifecycle up to 2-3 years.
Be careful, the seller knows he is
"covered" by the one-year warranty he offers, so you have a product
that after 2-3 years will no longer work. Those who bought the first off-grid
systems are already having problems with them.
Even if it is not easy to find a true
professional, we recommend that you only talk with certified and experienced
specialists in the investment in a
photovoltaic system.
Battery Reconditioning for Solar Energy Power Systems
Reviewed by Pravesh Kumar Maurya
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